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Serves: 15
Total time: 30 minutes
Additional time: Makes 30 to 32 wafer cups

A Pizzelle is a traditional Italian sugar cookie served plain or rolled into a cone and filled with fruit or ice cream. They can be formed into cups by draping the freshly cooked hot pizzelli over the bottom of a small glass or a similar container. They can also be shaped into ice-cream cones. Also, see Krumkake.


  • 2 eggs
    1 cup sugar
    1/2 cup melted butter
    1 cup milk
    1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
    1 teaspoons vanilla


  • Beat eggs and sugar until light and creamy.
    Stir in the remaining ingredients until smooth. Cook on an electric pizzelli machine to form wafers: Preheat pizzelli maker.
    Spoon 2 tablespoons of batter onto the center of the baking surface.
    Close iron and gently squeeze together.
    Bake for about a minute.

    Cookies are baked when golden brown.
    Remove from the iron with a spatula and roll-up into a cone, using the wooden rolling cone tool included. Remove and allow to cool.
    Serve them cut in wedges, or while wafer is hot, or shape into a cup over a glass or similar container. Store in an airtight container.
    Spoon fruit, ice cream or chocolate mousse into cup.
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